YELLOW TRAM by Darya Mitta

DESCRIPTION: We will learn about watercolour techniques, how to show bright light and transparent shadows, how to make good composition, how to create perspective with 1 vanishing points, how to make the scene “alive” with figures of people.
At this workshop we will paint street with yellow tram.

PRICE: Price per participant is 50 euro (with a feedback)


  1. Paper: Watercolour paper 300gr grain fin or torchon. Ill use 30x40cm; Paper for ketches

  2. Pencil B or 2B, eraser

  3. Brushes: Big flat brush (goat), small flat synthetic brush, Round brush natural hair or mix (number 10), medium and small round synthetic brushes.

  4. Colors: Cadmium orange, Cadmium yellow or lemon yellow, Black mars (or another black), Quinachridone violet, indanthrene blue or Ultramarine, White

  5. Good to have hair dryer

  6. Paper towels

  7. 2 cups for water


When you will make a payment please fill the form below. You will get a link by e-mail.